Father's Day

What is a father? 

According to the dictionary definition, a father is a man in relation to his child or children. 

But it's so much more than that,  isn't it? At least a good father is... 

Because being a good father is a responsibility, a commitment to raising and nurturing a child. It's being their rock, holding steady, enduring through everything, and being the first and BEST example of love to a child.  

Being a good father means patience, kindness, understanding, and compassion. It's the ability to create a secure, nurturing, and supportive environment for that tiny human who relies on you. 

A great father takes an active role in their children's lives in any way they can. They embody honesty, integrity, respect, emotional control, responsibility, love, and kindness, ensuring that their children will grow to become like them.

I'm so thankful to know several of these men.

Happy Father's Day!

I am so grateful for you.  You make the world a better place.  I hope your family appreciates and celebrates you today and every day. 

But I can't go through today without acknowledging the other side of the coin as well.  Because for far too many, Father's Day is a reminder that we never truly had a father,  maybe for ourselves or for our children.  

For some people, waking up today was a reminder of something missing,  a void that can never truly be filled. 

Today feels like a broken heart, a lump in your throat, a physical ache deep, deep down in your belly. It's the yearning for a reasonable conversation, a wise piece of advice, or a comforting hug. It's pretending to be okay,  smiling if anyone asks, and feeling more alone than ever.  

And for those people,  the ones without a father, for whatever reason,  I want you to know that I understand.  And I hope you've found someone who can at least show you that these beautiful men DO exist.  

Because you deserve to know that.  You deserve to know that their failure is not your fault.  You deserve all the love and comfort they couldn't  provide.

And I really, really hope you find that somewhere today.  

All my love, 


Shannon Joy